The Egg-Cersizer is, evidently, an egg-shaped toy that can be filled with food pellets. It consists of two halves. The top portion can be broken down into two parts: an outer layer with three quarter-sized, fixed openings, and an inner, movable layer with five openings. By adjusting the inner layer with the dial at the top, you change how much the openings in the two layers overlap. In other words, you can change up how a) how many openings you use at a time (max 3), and b) how large/small to make them. I started off using three openings at half-size, just to acclimate my cat to the new method of feeding. Once she got the hand of it, I adjusted it down to two openings, then one. After a month or so, I started using one opening at the smallest setting that will still allow pellets to come out.

Six months from her last visit to the vet, my cat has shaved off roughly a pound. While I can't say for sure how much the egg contributed, I will say that it's gotten her to work a little harder for her dinner. She tends to eat the food pellets as soon as they hit the floor. If you're worried about sanitation, you can set it up where you have tile or hardwood. The real drawback of this egg is that it has a tendency to migrate. My cat tends to mew plaintively at me whenever it's empty, but after leading me to the correct room, I have to hunt around furniture (and these days, moving boxes) to find out where it went. Overall, though, I still find it several dollars well spent.
Lastly, here's a video of the egg in action:
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