First off, the bottle fits well into a medium-sized hand (7.5 if we're talking hospital glove sizes). The silicone grip is comfortable, and the viewing window makes it easy to see how much water is left. The lid is rather cleverly designed, with a square top that facilitates gripping and a tight seal that prevents leaks. Bravo.
One of my major concerns in buying a glass water bottle was the issue of breakage. After schlepping it around in a thin canvas bag, however, the bottle is still as good as new. I wouldn't recommend smashing it against something on purpose, but then, that's common sense.

Oddly enough, my 24-oz Contigo water bottle has the same diameter, but the uncapped bottle is approximately two inches shorter than the glass one. I'm attributing it to the thickness of the container wall and the extra space occupied by the silicone sleeve. As far as I know, there hasn't been any mass recall of Contigo products, so I'll just have to assume that the bottle is safe for now. I have my eye on a Lifefactory glass bottle once this plastic bottle inevitably goes missing. Having lost two already, it's only a matter of time...